
用 ChatGPT 產出酷炫名稱,簡寫跟藏頭文章

用 ChatGPT產出的酷炫名稱,簡寫跟藏頭文章

ChatGPT 就是大型語言模型

大型語言模型(Large Language Model,簡稱LLM)是一種專注於理解、處理和生成人類語言的深度學習模型。LLM 由許多參數(通常有數十億或更多的)的類神經網路組成,並在大量的文字上進行自我學習。

LLM 是一種多功能的模型,擅長於各種任務,例如情感分析、問答系統、自動摘要、機器翻譯、文件分類和文字生成等。這些模型通過從大量的數據中學習,這些數據往往包括在長時間內網路上寫的幾乎所有東西。他們考慮大量的文字以更好地理解上下文並生成準確的結果。

簡單來說,LLM 就是自然語言專家,最擅長處理文字相關訊息,至於數學和太難的邏輯理解則很容易出現幻覺。


工作會發生的一個情境,需要幫助一個新技術命名,這時候 ChatGPT 就可以高速的產出多個命名出來。以下列一個新技術來說:

A swing-wing machine that is propelled forward by thrust from a jet engine, propeller, or rocket engine, and it is designed to be operated by cats.

我們可以使用以下 Prompt:

As a specialist in the field of naming new stuff, your expertise will be critical in this task. I will present you with a detailed description of specific stuff. Your responsibility is to generate a list of {10}{ professional}-sounding, {single}-word names that align well with this description. In case the provided information is not sufficient for you to accurately formulate these names, please don't hesitate to request additional details. 


效果相當不錯!如果是小編的命名的話大改只能是 CatPlane 😂 

修改 {} 內的描述可以產生不同結果。更改成 5 個, funny sounding, 3words,也是瞬間一堆名稱可以選擇。


還不夠?要求 ChatGPT 給個帥氣簡寫

我們可以要求 ChatGPT 給出一個有意義的簡稱,使用下面 prompt:

As an expert in the domain of naming stuff, your insights are essential for this assignment. I'll provide you with an in-depth overview of a particular stuff. Your task will be to construct {10} {professionally}-toned, acronym names that aptly represent this stuff. Should you find the given information inadequate for accurately generating these names, please feel free to ask for more details to further clarify the stuff’s core functionalities and key features.

結果也是相當不錯阿, C.L.A.W.S. - Cat-Operated Lightweight Aeronautics Winged System 感覺超讚...


當然可以! 輸入以下 prompt: 

Compose an {introduction for C.L.A.W.S. - Cat-Operated Lightweight Aeronautics Winged System}. The introduction should consist of {5} lines, with each line beginning with a specific letter, in this order: {C, L, A, W, S}.

馬上來一段介紹,感覺也是溜溜的。一樣 {} 內可以自行修改成我們的需求。





As a specialist in the field of naming new stuff, your expertise will be critical in this task. I will present you with a detailed description of specific stuff. Your responsibility is to generate a list of 10 Chuunibyou, Chinese names with 5 words that align well with this description. In case the provided information is not sufficient for you to accurately formulate these names, please don't hesitate to request additional details. Write in 繁體中文



Compose a poem for "星降雙劍舞. - 以雙劍打出十六連擊的招式". The poem should consist of 5 lines, with each line beginning with a specific letter, in this order: 星, 降, 雙, 劍, 舞. Write in 繁體中文, 使用金庸風格

ChatGPT 的創作還可以吧?

換個風格也可以,雖然小編不太會分辨風格... 😂


因為 ChatGPT 本質是 LLM,在語文處理上整體表現一定會相較其他任務來的優秀。我們應充分應用這個特性,來幫我們我們工作上會碰到到的一些活動標題,RD 新專利技術的命名,新概念英文簡稱,到中文藏頭詩都可以協助我們快速形成概念,後續只要稍作修飾即可。不知道各位讀者還有將 ChatGPT 用在那些命名應用呢?

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當未來和過去交錯:AI 翻譯古老楔形文字 Cuneiform


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Grammarly 推出 GrammarlyGo:創新的生成式 AI 寫作助手