
Google 超車 Microsoft:AI Copilot 上手玩看看優缺點

Google 超車 Microsoft:AI Copilot 上手玩看看優缺點



  • AI Copilot 提供在 Google Doc 和 G-Mail 的寫作協助,增加了使用者的生產力。

  • 具有 Formalize, Shorten, Elaborate, Rephrase 等多種功能,能夠根據需要生成並優化文章。

  • 提供自設的 prompt 功能,使用彈性高。


  • 在處理摘要或總結的時候,由於缺乏複製選項,會直接替換整段被選取的文字,使用上有困擾。

  • 目前還不支援中文,對中文使用者來說有一定的限制。

  • 部分功能(如 G-Mail 中的 "I’m Feeling Lucky")的實際效果相當有趣...

Google 開放 AI Copilot 測試了!

最近,小編收到了 Google Lab Program 的 AI Copilot 測試通知。Goolge 終於,終於搶先 Microsoft Office 導入了這個功能,這實在是讓人開心的消息,因為 Google Lab Program AI copilot 的開放對我們未來的生產力會有大大提升。

目前,Google Lab Program 的功能僅能在 Google Doc 跟 G-Mail 使用。這表示我們可以在這兩個平台上體驗到 Google Lab Program 的新功能,並看看它如何改變我們的使用經驗。


點選左側的小筆,可以開啟 Copilot 視窗,輸入想要寫作的內容,Copilot 就會協助產出。

產生文章之後,介面簡潔乾淨,下方兩個按鈕 Recreate 重新產生,跟 Refine。 其中 Refine 中有四個選項:Formalize / Shortent / Elaborate / Rephrase.。按下右下方的 insert 就可以直接把生成的文章插入了到 Google Doc 了。

看一下效果,下面是我輸入 write an introduction about Twitter CEO 產生的文章,意外發現 copolit 也不能上網...😢

Parag Agrawal is the current CEO of Twitter. He was appointed to the position on November 29, 2021, after the resignation of Jack Dorsey. Agrawal has been with Twitter since 2011 and has held a variety of roles, including CTO and chief product officer. He is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and Stanford University.

Agrawal is a strong advocate for free speech and believes that Twitter should be a platform for open and honest discussion. He has also said that he wants to make Twitter more accessible to people around the world.

Agrawal is a controversial figure, but he is also a respected technologist. He will be under pressure to improve Twitter's performance and to address the company's challenges, such as misinformation and harassment.

Formalize 的效果

Parag Agrawal is the current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Twitter. He was appointed to the position on November 29, 2021, following the resignation of Jack Dorsey. Agrawal has been with Twitter since 2011 and has held a variety of roles, including Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Chief Product Officer. He is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and Stanford University. Agrawal is a strong advocate for free speech and believes that Twitter should be a platform for open and honest discussion. He has also said that he wants to make Twitter more accessible to people around the world. Agrawal is a controversial figure, but he is also a respected technologist. He will be under pressure to improve Twitter's performance and to address the company's challenges, such as misinformation and harassment.

Shorten 的效果

Parag Agrawal, a free speech advocate, became Twitter CEO in November 2021. He previously held roles at Twitter including CTO and chief product officer. He graduated from IIT Bombay and Stanford University. Agrawal faces challenges such as misinformation and harassment as he tries to improve Twitter's performance.

Elaborate 的效果,LLM 真的話很多...😂

Parag Agrawal is the current CEO of Twitter. He was appointed to the position on November 29, 2021, after the resignation of Jack Dorsey. Agrawal has been with Twitter since 2011 and has held a variety of roles, including CTO and chief product officer. He is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and Stanford University.

Agrawal is a strong advocate for free speech and believes that Twitter should be a platform for open and honest discussion. He has also said that he wants to make Twitter more accessible to people around the world.

Agrawal is a controversial figure, but he is also a respected technologist. He will be under pressure to improve Twitter's performance and to address the company's challenges, such as misinformation and harassment.

To elaborate further, Agrawal has been criticized for his handling of misinformation and harassment on Twitter. He has also been criticized for his lack of experience in running a large company. However, Agrawal has also been praised for his technical expertise and his commitment to free speech. It remains to be seen whether Agrawal will be able to successfully address Twitter's challenges and improve the company's performance.

選擇文字後點選小筆,一樣會出現四個選項,特別注意還可以自行輸入 Prompt

我這邊測試輸入了自設的 prompt, write tl;dr in bullets,效果不錯

不過這邊說一下問題點,沒有複製的選項,只能直接 Replace 整段被選取的文章,這當我們需要 AI 做 Summary 摘要的時候非常難用,因為原本的文字串會被整個替換掉。

不能使用中文,這真的超扣分...Bard 也不行, AI copilot 也不行...這真的會被 ChatGPT 甩到看不到車尾燈

Gamil 的部分

基本上差不多,會幫忙撰寫 Mail,一樣有四個選項,這次沒有 Rephrase 多了 I’m Feeling Lucky



Google Lab Program 的 AI Copilot 在未來將為我們的寫作和溝通帶來前所未有的便利,小編認為目前已經可以取代部分 AI writer 的 Chrome extension 了。從 Google Doc 到 G-Mail,目前給的應用範圍雖然還沒擴及到 Googe Sheet 跟 Google Slide,但已經相當不錯了。在文章的生成和優化過程中,AI Copilot 顯然做得不錯,無論是 Formalize, Shorten, Elaborate 或者 Rephrase,都能完成。

但是目前 AI Copilot 還存在一些明顯的缺點。首先,當我們需要 AI 進行 Summary 摘要的時候,因為沒有複製選項,原本的文字會被整個換掉,對我們的使用帶來一定的困擾。其次,AI Copilot 目前還不支援中文,這對於中文使用者就是半成品... 期待 Google 能夠在未來的升級中,持續改進這些問題,使 AI Copilot 更加完善和實用。

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