使用 VBA 自動調整 PowerPoint 中圖片的對齊和分配
如果你經常使用 PowerPoint 製作報告,你應該知道在投影片上對齊和平均分配圖片是多麼耗時。手動調整多個圖片的大小和位置可能非常繁瑣,點選圖片,調整高度,調整位置,平均分配,如果發現大小調整不好,圖片還會重疊...。小編因為這個寫個一下 VBA,你可以使用 Visual Basic for Applications(VBA)自動執行這個煩人的工作任務。在這篇文章中,我們將探討一個 VBA code,它可以自動調整 PowerPoint 中所選圖片的大小、位置和對齊。
Code 如下:
'水平調整, 將選取的圖片自動調整大小, 對齊, 均分'
Sub HAdjustImage()
Dim objShape As Shape
Dim lLeft As Single
Dim lRight As Single
Dim lWidth As Single
Dim lSpacing As Single
Dim lCount As Long
Dim lTotalWidth As Single
Dim lMinLeft As Single
Dim lMinLeftShape As Shape ' Leftmost picture
Dim lMaxRightShape As Shape ' Rightmost picture
'Find the left and right positions of the selected shapes
For Each objShape In ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
If objShape.Type = msoPicture Then
If objShape.Left < lMinLeft Or lMinLeft = 0 Then lMinLeft = objShape.Left
If objShape.Left < lLeft Or lLeft = 0 Then
lLeft = objShape.Left
Set lMinLeftShape = objShape
End If
If objShape.Left + objShape.Width > lRight Then
lRight = objShape.Left + objShape.Width
Set lMaxRightShape = objShape
End If
End If
Next objShape
'Calculate the total width of the selected shapes and the spacing between them
lWidth = lRight - lLeft
lCount = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Count
lSpacing = 0.3 / 2.54 * 72 * (lCount - 1)
'Adjust the width of the selected shapes to avoid overlapping
For Each objShape In ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
If objShape.Type = msoPicture Then
objShape.Width = (lWidth - lSpacing) / lCount
End If
Next objShape
' Adjust the left edge of the leftmost shape
lMinLeftShape.Left = lLeft
lMaxRightShape.Left = lRight - lMaxRightShape.Width
Dim selShapes As ShapeRange
Set selShapes = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
'Align the shapes horizontally relative to the slide
selShapes.Align msoAlignTops, msoTrue
'Distribute the shapes horizontally
If lCount > 2 Then
selShapes.Distribute msoDistributeHorizontally, msoDistributeByCenter
End If
End Sub
以下是 code 的功能:
讓我們細看一下 HAdjustImage 的幾個步驟。找到最左和最右的圖片
第一步是找到選擇中最左和最右的圖片。code 確認每個選定的形狀,並檢查它是否為圖片。如果是,則將其左位置與當前的最小和最大左位置進行比較,以找到最左和最右的圖片。計算總寬度和間距
找到最左和最右的圖片後,code 通過從最右圖片的右位置減去最左圖片的左位置來計算所選圖片的總寬度。code 設定圖片間距為 0.3cm,計算出每張圖片的寬度要多少才不會重疊。調整圖片大小
接下來,code 調整每個圖片的寬度。對齊圖片