上一次木星離地球如此之近並且對直接可見是在 1963 年的 10 月。
木星的衝日每 13 個月發生一次,使這顆行星看起來比一年中的任何其他時間都更大、更亮。 但這還不是全部。 木星也將自 1963 年以來最接近地球 - 差不多是六十年前!參考資料
- Look Up! Jupiter Will Come The Closest to Earth in 59 Years This Monday
- How to see Jupiter light up night sky in closest encounter with Earth in 60 years
- Jupiter to Reach Opposition, Closest Approach to Earth in 59 Years!
- Jupiter is at its biggest and brightest this week. Here's how to see it in Australia
- Photo by Alexis Antonio on Unsplash